Anemone Health


New Member
I have a 65gallon rectangle tank. I have a nova extreme T5HO lighting.
I have three small anemones.
-Long Tentacle
-Bubble Tip
They were all introduced to the tank on the same day. (29 Mar 07). The Long tentacle found a spot immediately and is very happy. The Sebae had a spot for about a week. Then kind of rolled off the rock and into the shadow in a little cave area.
I moved him to the other side of the tank and he immediately took hold again and looks great.
I am concerned about my bubble tip. He was ok for about 3-4 days. Since then he has been rooming but has roamed into places that don't have much light. deeper into some cave areas and things like that. Very rarely does he have all his tentacles puffed out. usually very shriveled up. If there is something I can do to check for him before he dies I am open for advice. I tested my water everything seems fine. Also the other two are doing great so I don't believe it is lighting or water.
Also I have two small clowns. The very first day they both hosted in the bubble tip. Now they rotate between the other two and occasionally back to the bubble tip when it has some bubble to it. I am confused on this one.


Active Member
Where did you get the BTA from? What type of lighting conditions did it come from? Ive heard of anemones, especially BTAs receeding into rockwork when overstressed, getting ready to split, or undergoing photoshock(too much light?) Have you tried to offer him a small piece of food?- any response? :notsure: Is he shriveled? Alot of times they receed and come back out. He isnt necessarily dying.


New Member
I got him from the local LFS. I am quite sure that the lighting is better in my tank i have T5 Lighting that is not on the tanks with the bta is the store. He actually looked a little better last night but he is back to himself all shriveled up. I don't know. I did try to feed him krill. He didn't take it. Last night I bought silverside because all the reading i have done seems like they like it a lot. He didn't take that either.
I don't know. I am at a loss right now.


I bought a BTA recently and I'm experiencing the same exact thing. Mine also moves around the tank a lot. Most of the time he stays near a little arch rock I have and has shrivled up 2 times in 1 day. Always puffs back up though and looks great. It almost seems as if he shrivles up and goes under the arch to get away from the light. I do not think this is the case though as I have an Aqua pod 24 with stock lighting. When the lunar lights come on the thing opens up HUGE, and scoots all around the tank with the sebae clown in it. I'm really interested to see some more comments/advice on this one.


hello all i have just purchased a green bubble tip and it seems he is doing the same for me as well stayd out when the lights are on but will go inside the rock work at night is this normal or should i be alarmed.