Anemone HElp


So I have a nano cube DX with the lighting upgrade so about 4 and 1/2 watts per gallon. Yesterday I bought an extremely healthy looking green bulb tiped anemone, but it doesnt really have the bulb tips. It is floresent green with purple tips. All went well when I added him to my tank, it imediately stuck on a rock and this moring It was half attached to another rock and totally inflated. The light was then turned on and all the tenticals re inflated and the foot deflated. Is this normal night time behavor. THe anemone is the only thing in the tank besides some grape calp. on the rocks. If anyone knows if i should be worried about this werid bhavor or is it normal for the anemone to do this? Any answers would be Extremely appreciated.


Its not five gallons is it. If it is it take it back. You can't provide for it in there. I'm not sure if I follow on this. You say it was totally inflated, then when lights went on the the tenticals re inflated and the foot deflated. If its inflated how can the tenticals re inflate. If you meant deflated how can the foot deflate. Maybe reword it to make more sense or maybe someone will make sense of it.


sorry, about that...The tank is a jbj nano cube dx. And the anemone had its foot inflated and tenticles deflated before the lights went on. However when i turned light on almost imediatedly the anemone relinflated its tenticles and deinflated its foot. However i just checked on it and it looks great its opened up and it just moved to a new spot. Could it be that the anemone was just moving? Is it normal for anemones to behave unusually during the night, then be fine during the day? What is normal anemone behavor.


My bubble tips all deflate somewhat in the evening after lights go out. They inflate in the morning after the lights come on......HTH

tru conch

Active Member
mine deflates with the lights off an inflates with lights on. remember that anemones do need light to feed, so with the lights off the anemone wont be as large, just like alot of lps corals. good luck with the new BTA!