Anemone Help



Hey there, new to the boards and the hobby. I purchased a BTA about 3 days ago and wanted to know if it's normal behavior for a new anemone to be closed most of the day. He's been in the same spot since I put him in the tank but he stays closed most of the day. At night after lights out he's very active and opens up fully (mouth looked a little open). I tried feeding him shrimp last night but he didn't take it. Should I keep trying to feed him or leave him be for now? Any suggestions?
Tank Parameters:
Temp 81
SG 1.024
Amm 0
Trites 0
Trates 10
Alk 125
Ca 420
BTW tank is a 46g bowfront with 196w pc's


Greetings and welcome to the board

Normally it takes a couple of weeks for any anemone to get used to the new suroundings. Many BTA's usually take right off for the back of the tank. Right now it is getting used to the new water paramiters and the lighting. It also might be suffering from some acclimation shock for now.
If it is getting ready to spend energy to move it might not accept any food right now, just give it some time.
Your lighting is about bare minimum IMO, IME.
Now some questions for you:
How long has the tank been setup?
Did you get the BTA local or mail order?
About how high does your live rock go up the water column?
What are you trying to feed it?
What is the coloration of the BTA that you have?
What are you using to measure your SG?
Just keep an eye on it and post again if you view anything else that worries you.


K, thanks for the advice. Tank has been setup for about 2 months which as I have been reading here may be too soon. I have about 35lbs of lr and 20lb ls that go a little more than half way up the water column and I've been using a refractometer to measure sg. I purchased the bta mail order, he moved right in underneath a little overhang at the bottom of the tank and has stayed there since. He does try to move a little up the rock at night when he is most active, his color is pinkish. I tried to feed him a raw shrimp and I also have some MicroVert. Also have a cleanup crew, 2 false percs, cleaner shrimp and diamond goby in tank.


Yeah you moved too soon for trying one of these animals, but lests make the best of it for now.
Check the top sticky about feeding, there is a post right at the bottom of the sticky that explains feeding and my thoughts about all those microvert or other liquid foods.
Because yours was mail order then I almost sure it is in some type of shock, being shipped takes a good toll on the anemone. It might even begin expelling some nasty stuff, if it does give me a holler. Most mail order anemones are shipped with little or no water. Yours will definatly need time to adjust again.
Refractometer ~ Check, good call.
Live rock a bit more than halfway up ~ Check, good because if it needs more light then it can climb the live rock closer to your lighting.
Let me know if there is anything else.