Anemone help-...


New Member
Anemone help-...
im looking into purchasing my first anemone. I really like them and i want to try it out.
I was looking at the Haddoni Carpet Anemone .
Has anyone dealt with this anemone or one that is similar?
How hard is it to care for them?
is purchasing online ok?
Im basically just trying to figure out if i can handle this.


You dont say if u have mh or size of tank or flow in ur tank or how long u have had the tank. A carpet anemone is much more difficult then the bulb anemone. The carpet will need very bright light, and alot of flow and mature tank. I have a carpet and i love it but i waited awhile to get mine and made sure the conditions in the tank were right for it. Im not sure the carpet is one u just want to experiment with, just my two cents.


I wouldn't get a carpet anemone. They seem to be much harder to care for. I would go with a green bubble tip anemone or rose anemone. Much more easier to care for. Also, I wouldn't by the anemone online or from a lfs. Find a local club that has member where the anemone has split in a tank environment. For every anemone that you buy from a lfs, at least 3 did not make it.
Here is a pic of my clone anemone that I purchase from members of my local club.