Anemone Hiding


After several months of waiting, I finally got a bubble tipped anemone. I put it in the tank and first thing it does is crawl off to the one spot in my tank where I cant get to it; i.e. cant feed it. Its been there for a couple of days, opened up and looking fine, but I'm worried that I wont be able to get food to it. Should I expect it to move when it gets hungry or is there anything else I can do short of breaking apart my whole rock structure to get it back somewhere where I can get to it?


I would not recommend moving it. By moving him you could damage its foot and you dont want to do that. Even if you move it, it will move again. They will move around until they find a spot they like. Even after they find a spot they like they will move again. Its one of the downfalls. HTH


Active Member
Mine did the same thing and unfortunately after several days I decided it liked the spot so I had to take some rock down and turn the rock it was on around so I could see it. I figured once I did all that work it would move. It is still in same spot just perked up a little as if to say thanks for the extra light! Been there over a month now. Hope you have better luck :)


Active Member
If you leave him there get one of those syringes used for feeding. Put some air line tube on it and feed him with it. Hope this helps.<a href="" target="_blank">CLICK HERE TO SEE MY REEF.</a>


you don't need to feed it although they do grow faster with regular feedings. also, it's not uncommon for new anemones to hide after being introduced to a new tank. afterall, the lighting, current, salinity, etc. are all different from their previous home. also, the anemone will hide if it's lost some of it's zooxanthellae, and will continue to hide somewhat until the zooxanthellae level comes back up and more light is required. don't move him...just leave him alone. i STILL have one hiding in my tank somewhere...he's been in the tank for over a month, and i see him from time to time, but he's not nearly as visible as the other two. hope this helps :)