Anemone ID and info please?


Well the "zebra mat anemone" I was so glad NOT to get in our store last week came in today!
I can't get a pic but he's a good size already, about 4-5" tall and wide, with an orangish/reddish base (base makes up about 2" or so of the whole height), tentacles about 3" long or so that are greyish/tannish with darker striping on each tentacle (stripes go from the base towards the tip, not encircling the tentacles), blunt tipped. He didn't "walk" around like the condys either, just started sticking to the substrate where I put him but today was only his first day too. Can anyone maybe give me a more familiar common or scientific name on it and it's requirements? I'd like to do my best by the critter and make sure whoever buys him has the right set up and all. I've got him in with just the ocellaris since they're the most innocuous clowns and that tank may have actinics on it instead of plain flourescents. I tried to place him as "better safe than sorry" as I could.
I think it's probably the most beautiful anemone I've ever seen and not expensive at all!! I'm seriously thinking about buying him myself but again, I'd want more info before putting him, or my present tank babies, at risk. I've got a mature, 130 gallon with only a peppermint shrimp, blue legs, a yellow tang, one mushroom rock, one flower leather coral, and a ton of PC along with some actinic lighting (Fluval, dual biowheel HOB, mega DIY protein skimmer, and 55 gallon sump/refugium). Would I need to upgrade to halide necessarily (which I'm willing to do if I decide I want him that bad and it's really necessary)? Would he be ok with some carefully chosen and placed corals? He'd also be the only anemone ever in the tank since, from what I hear, different anemones don't tend to do too well in the same tank together, right?


Maybe this will help? Day 2 he kinda laid out flat so that now you can't see his base and he looks kinda like a big striped disk about 4" or so across with curly striped tentacles coming out of it. Anyone have an idea?
ETA: He did move a tiny bit it looks like but only an inch or so and is apparently hefty enough since he knocked over the fake coral in there.


Nope but thanks for the try, Dogstar

She's in my tank now so I'll see if I can get a picture at some point and come back with that then. I'm assuming she's just a heteractus of some sort so I've looked at what others of that type need.
I can tell you that after being in the store under plain ole lights she was already starting to go downhill a little. I put her up high under all my PCs and we just watched while she opened right out, spread herself around, and was absolutely BASKING in the light!! The lights are off now and when they went out she almost instantly went back to having her base showing and the disk and tentacles all bunched up at the top. She's certainly one of the VERY light hungry critters it seems!!
I'm sure she'll do a ton better here than she was doomed to in the store but I'm pretty sure that the lights I have won't be enough to keep her under permanently either. We're searching around to find a good price on some metal halides for her asap so she should be good for light within a month or so.
As high up as she is right now (maybe 12" or so away from the light) do you think she'll be ok for that short time till we get the MH? She's so beautiful, I'd really hate to lose her! I really don't like getting a critter without having what it needs in place already but I was afraid she'd certainly die in the store if I waited.
I was hoping at least I'd bought her some more time with my PCs so that she'll hang in there till we get MH.


Originally Posted by Dogstar
Does it look something like this one maybe.....
What is that? I bought one and they said they had ordered a tomato anemone and that is what came in. It died before I picked it up (I left it to see if it would survive shipping, it didn't) I've never found another