Anemone Id Please!!!!!!



Looks like a bubble tip to me...I don't usually see redish tips to them, but the tentacle structure and oral disk, exactly like a BTA.


Im tempted to say its an LTA. Defiantly not a BTA, they have open pad with distinct bubbles around the outside.


Originally Posted by ViPeR_930
I posted in your other thread yesterday, don't know if you saw it.
It's a tulip anemone.

Ah, silly me, I agree with ViPeR....


Originally Posted by SkeletonCowboy
ok so i googled "tulip anemone" and it seems to match up. next question, is it good or bad???
Here is what I read abotu them..."They're just majanos--they act exactly like Aiptasia. If you ever hope to keep corals or other benthic invertebrates, do not get even one. They will reproduce more than you think--they hide within the rocks (and they do "walk", usually at night). They wreak havoc on corals, just like the larger anemones do--their fave is sitting next to a coral, or on top of it, and stinging it to death." AKA get it out


garb it by the foot gently and use your fingers to push the base of the foot towards the center and it will eventually let go. Dont kill it cause it will release its venom/poison (or what ever) and thats bad lol
alright then i'll try it. its going to be pretty hard though...its foot is actually in a crevice on the rock but i'll give it a try
Originally Posted by BexleyFish
garb it by the foot gently and use your fingers to push the base of the foot towards the center and it will eventually let go. Dont kill it cause it will release its venom/poison (or what ever) and thats bad lol
ok update on this problem...there is no way of getting this thing off the rock without killing it. trust me. so what do i do guys????


Ok, never tried this, but i might work... put a small baggy over it and rubberband it around the foot. maybe it will notice the absence of any flow and let go to move. then you can grab it. or it will die and most of the toxins will be in the bag.
seems like a sound idea...i'm thinking i might hurry up and get my fuge started and place the coral in there and try that then. and have some fresh salt water on hand for a water change! i'll stay updated.