Anemone ID please!


Active Member
maybe a Sebae - what ever it is, its very bleached. What lights are you running, and are you feeding it??

red tiger

Well i haven't gotten it yet, but it's under 65W PC but in that pic its under LED's, Mysis Shrimp!
Will the color ever return?

rainbow grouper

Active Member
yep sebae confirmed with nems higher the lighting the better and i doubt it. by the way just in case.
bleach = When an anemone or coral expels its symbiotic algae that it can not live without.

red tiger

Thanks, I have the same 50/50 65W Power Compacts and i fed it a silver side yesterday. Will my clown fish host a sebae?

rainbow grouper

Active Member
Depends the sebae will host tomato clown (possibly) blue stripe clown (possibly) clarki clown(only natural host). what type is your clownfish?


Active Member
Honestly, I would not worry about the anemone hosting the clowns at this stage. I would worry about getting the anemone healthy. The lighting that you have is not sufficient for keeping a sebae anemone. They strong lighting and good water parameters to be able to thrive.

red tiger

Originally Posted by Gemmy http:///t/388393/anemone-id-please#post_3425870
Honestly, I would not worry about the anemone hosting the clowns at this stage. I would worry about getting the anemone healthy. The lighting that you have is not sufficient for keeping a sebae anemone. They strong lighting and good water parameters to be able to thrive.
What type of lighting will it need?