anemone in a 10gal



need some opinions on keeping an anemone in a 10 gal with a pair of clowns. is it possible, and how many watts are needed.


Active Member
Some people have and are doing it. You would need MH or very strong PC lights. Also, nothing short of a mature pristine tank. I leave them to the more experienced people. :D


Weeder...been there, done that--don't recommend it. I ended up returning that anemone to the store.
If you jus want to see your clowns host something, depending on your wattage, you could easily house some leathers that your clowns can grow to love.
Granted, not all clowns have the inclination to host--mine is actually hosting on a dead powerhead atm (I would take it out, but's his buddy)...otherwise, I'd leave the anemones alone -.-
No one really mentions either that when an anemone dies, it could wipe out your whole tank as when they release zoo (they will cloud up your tank upon death)...those toxins can kill the livestock in your tank...not worth it in my opinion.
Some clowns are known to host in Hairy Mushrooms, Hammer Corals or even toadstools...they need adequate lighting so you'd want to research on that a bit and/or lighting upgrades...but for a 10 gallon, I'd suggest at least 40 watts of lighting, the more the merrier...I would estimate lower but I'd rather be on the safe-side.


my lights are on the way and are 96w. was going to go with the 40w for $55, but these were only $88 and i couldn't pass it up. i have heard both sides of this. one person says no way, and another says you can if you keep up with the water quality. i don't want to offend anybody but i've found in this hobby you get all the opinions you can and then do what you want anyway. it always seems like there is somebody out there that has successfully done what you want to attempt no matter how many people say you can't.


Oh undoubtedly, I agree with you. I don't deny at all that it is not possible, but I was simply stating that if you were trying to get an anemone strictly for your clowns to host in--there are easier options available that would provide the best of both words (the ease of care and the host for your fishes).
I know of one other friend who has kept an anemone in a 10 gallon, he has 2 setups where he has an anemone. One 10 gallon has a 20 gallon sump so it really isn't a 10 gallon...and the other he made an auto top off system to help keep the tank stable. Maybe you could look into this to keep maintenance easier.