anemone in a 10Gallon?


Hello folks,
I've got a 10Gallon with 72watts of light. Is it possible to have an anemone? What's the hardiest anemone out there? I have some xenia and hammer coral in there now. Would these anemones crawl over my other corals, or would they stay on the LR?
Do all anemones crawl or are some stationary? I have a percula clown and royal gramma and several other inverts. Tank has been up and running since october. thanks.


Active Member
No hosting species of anemones in there, it's too small IMO. You can get a tulip anemone or a mini-carpet anemone, but not likely to host your clown.


Active Member

Originally posted by ViPeR_930
No hosting species of anemones in there, it's too small IMO. You can get a tulip anemone or a mini-carpet anemone, but not likely to host your clown.
