anemone in a 2.5 gal


I wouldn't. Your water quality is going to fluctuate because evaporation will be evaporating a substantial portion of your tank water. Anenmies require very good water quality in order to remain healthy in a system. I am sure there are other reasons, I've always been told by friends in the hobby not to keep an anemone in anything less than 10 gallons, and even in a 10 gal has raised concern among them.
I just figured i would throw my two cents in


I thought it was a fair question. I know they came from the ocean but so did everything else that people put it in nanos and smaller tanks!
I have a 110 and are very aware of what fits in that however, I am not with my 2.5g and thought I would ask. while ignorance is bliss I thought I would learn a little instead of just try it and kill something!
I thought it would be too small but I thought I would be rather safe then sorry!!


I was probably a bit to harsh with my responce but I was just simply making a point that needed to be said. Glad you asked the question instead of being ignorant.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Choco
Seriously, put an anemone in a 2.5 gallon tank??? Remember they came from the ocean.

ya, please ask it in a different way, its responses like those that make people not want to ask questions....
as for the anemone, if you had better lights, you may be able to keep a tube anemone.... but i have absolutely NO experience with them... i am going down to the lfs for a good discussion about them with one of the more experienced employees
if i learn anything i will tell you... i have seen some VERY cool ones


Originally Posted by autofreak44
as for the anemone, if you had better lights, you may be able to keep a tube anemone.... but i have absolutely NO experience with them... i am going down to the lfs for a good discussion about them with one of the more experienced employees
Hmmm...its also responces like these that make people not want to take advice of the others who don't know what they are talking about.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Choco
Hmmm...its also responces like these that make people not want to take advice of the others who don't know what they are talking about.

all i said is that i dont know much about them but it may be possible. i said i didnt know what i was talking about and i admitted that, if you know something about tube anemones that i dont, then please share


Originally Posted by autofreak44
all i said is that i dont know much about them but it may be possible. i said i didnt know what i was talking about and i admitted that, if you know something about tube anemones that i dont, then please share

You should have kept your original comment to yourself saying "ya, please ask it in a different way, its responses like those that make people not want to ask questions...."