Anemone in a 24g tank?

Is this foolish? I am not well versed on them. I understand they require tremendous lighting (I am not sure how much, if someone could let me know I would appreciate it.). I also know they get rather large, and they hurt if you touch them.
My question is. If I were to put an anemone in a 24g tank with two clownfish would the anemone be okay (space wise, I would hate to get him if he would not be happy.)
Also will two clowns host the same anemone? I have read that sometimes neither of them will host one.
Is an anemone okay for a 24g tank?
What kind of Anemone would be good?
What kind of lighting would be needed for this anemone?
Thank you for your time =)
~Ballet Ninja


I have wanted to get a blue, yellow or green carpet anemone in a 24 for some time now. Two clowns will be perfect. You will need Metal Halide lighting for it to be happy at all. Get a smaller anemone and let it grow. You can definately do this, but before you put any coral in, make sure they are small and the anemone is definately set in its place. You should check out the new JBJ 28 g Nano Cube. It has built in wavemaker, MH, and better filtration than the first. It would be perfect for an anemone with some LR, LS. You should build the LR up a bit so the anemone is close to the light, but not too close. Post pics if you decide to do so. Oh, carpets can sting you, but it shouldn't kill you. Get gloves.