anemone in back of tank


the title says it he hasnt settled yet and i have had them for about 3 weeks he is small and moves around in the back of the tank what do i do?


Active Member
How established is your tank ? What species anemone is it ? What do you have for lighting and water flow ? What lighting did it come from ? How did you acclimate it ? Normally when an anemone does not settle , it means it can not find a spot it likes and usually means something is wrong with the tank setup .
Age of tank
Water flow
water conditions
These are critical issues that will help find your problem .


i think its a lta the age of my tank is about 4-5 months old i have a decent amount of flow, my parameters are how they are supposed to be i acclimated it with the drip system


Active Member
Your tank is too new for an anemone. What are your parameters, what is your lighting? The anemone needs perfect or near perfect water conditions, 0 am, 0 ni, 0 na and they need a lot of light / flow.
Can you post a pic of it so that we can positively identify. If you can't, google what you think it is and let us know.


i did post a pic they told me it was an lta the anemone iwas good it was always open way bigger than how it came it would settles in some places and then move but it got sucked into my power head it is critical condition i though it was dead.. i woke up in the mourning and it was suck it is in my fuge now he is healling quite fast