Anemone injured


I have a long tentacled anemone that decided to go for a stroll up my LR and into the intake of a powerhead. I removed it and put it back on the bottom.Needless to say it is looking pretty rough. At first all the tentacles were retracted inside, but now about a third are extended. My question is, what are the chances of it pulling through and should I get it into a QT, while I am waiting see if it passes to the great reef tank in the sky? I was ticked about it because it was staying put, and the clown fish was his buddy. Nothing changed in the tank that I could find to cause him to start moving


sometimes they can pull through. just keep an eye on it. i lost one in my powerhead. i had to cut it out. it was completely sucked in. it was pretty big too. just watch your levels for an ammonia spike. good luck.


I've had mine stuck, and it survived, It looked rough for about 2 weeks, but the tentacles grew back, and its still in my far as the ammonia spike, if that happens, its too late,its already dying or dead, try not to wait for the thing to totally fall apart when you go into get it, THAT is just awful to try and clean up, not to mention fowling the should be able to tell//
Alot of them move around, and then again you have some that stay put...I have a Condi that is constantly moving around, and a long tent that moves about once a month, my others stay put...Some say its because they are not happy, my guys that move I have had forever, and they are healthy and nicely fed...Do you feed yours, and how often...Try not to over feed it..
Gl with it...
~Susie ;)


I feed it about every 5 days. I have heard a lot of argument on how often to feed them, but mine seems to doing just fine(until the mishap with the ph) with the feeding schedule. I also have a carpet that is getting pretty big and seems pretty happy. Rarely moves and when it does it is only a few inches

chicken neck

Ive had a pink tip get sucked into my power filter. All I did was turn the power off to it and about an hour later he went back to my live rock..hes doing fine now.