Anemone is all puffed up at the base and roaming, whats wrong?


I have had my Haitian purple tip anemone for about two months now. He has moved three times so far, only a few inches each time. This morning he puffed really big at the base and has been roaming around all morning/afternoon. What is going on? I keep having to move corals out of his way. Also, how potent is the sting of an anemone? Can one sting kill or a coral or does it have to have prolonged exposure to the stinging?

PH: 8.4
Ammonia: 0
Nitrates: 0
Nitrites: 0
Phosphates: 0
Calcium: 400 (Raising to 450)
Alkalinity (DkH): 13.0 (Lowering to 11.5)
Salinity: 1.028 (Lowering to 1.025)
55 Gallon tank with:

100# of LR
20 Gallon Sump
Aqua EV-120 Skimmer w/ Quiet one 3,000 (780GPH)
Poseidon P4 return pump (1,200GPH)
2 x Koralia #3's (850GPH x 2 = 1,700GPH)
Total water movement = 2,900GPH Turnover = 53x
2 x 175W 14,000K MH (No reflectors); 2 x 40w actinics; 12 x blue LED moonlights
Life Reef LCR1 w/Mag 5; 10# Co2 tank; ARM media;
Milwaukee PH controller
Biomedic Temperature Controller w/ 2x75w heaters
ATO auto top off w/25 gallon RO/DI storage tank
3-stage RO/DI water purification system


I was dosing, but I just bought a calcium reactor a few weeks ago so I stopped dosing and have let the calcium reactor do the calc and alk level maintenance. Been steady around 13.1 and 390 for awhile.


Active Member
I posted it 1 time but it just popping up?try this link on alk ph and cal changing alk and cal will get them


When do they usually stop, or is there anything I can do? Would it help to feed him or something? I am afraid to leave my room, I keep have to move corals out of his reach.
Strangely, this is the biggest and most full I have ever seen him. He looks gorgeous, I just wish he would stay put somewhere.
What makes them "puff" up really big at the base, what are they doing?


Active Member
never had a Haitian anem but the only time my btas moved was when my alk and cal droped try and keep 1 steady level and see what happens


Ugh, he stopped moving for about two hours, but now he is on the move again...There has not been any quick changes in my calcium or alkalinity. Before I had the reactor set up my alk was around 10.5 and my calc was around 390 and now it is at to 14.1 and 380 (just tested). So I guess the alk has flucuated quite a bit, should I turn off my reactor and let the alkalinity fall? Do you think this would help the anemone?


Active Member
until you get the right water results and steady it will keep moving I would stop the reactor and try water changes


Alright, he is now at the top of the tank in the corner attached to the glass. Not quite where I would like him to be.
My levels are now down to 370 and 12.65 which is very close to where they were before i got the calcium reactor. He is still moving though. Does high alk effect anemones, or just a change from the usuall?
I am leaving tomorrow morning for Chicago until Wednesday night, what should I do before I leave for the anemone. I do not want him roaming around stinging corals while I am away...
How long does it take an anemone to kill a coral usually, is it like one sting and they will die or does it take prolonged exposure? Just not sure how potent thier stings actually are...


Alright...he is still on the glass...
What does everyone think about carefully moving him off the glass and onto a rock somewhere? Bad idea?


If you move it and it is not happy where you move it to, it's gonna start roaming again until it feels comfortable. Just make sure your powerheads are covered with nylon mesh or sponge so it don't get sucked into the intake.


Active Member
Leave it alone. It will find it's sweet spot and it will not necessarily be where you want it to be.