anemone is crazy....


So out of everyplace in my tank it has to go in the back between the rock and the glass where I get NO light! should i move it out? or let it do its own thing.....
It will move on it own. One of mine moved because something was agitating it and its all the way under the rocks. It has done this before and it moved out in the light the next day.


I am just very worried about it because I got it from a LFS that did not have the lighting to take care of it, it was bleached to begin with and I am trying to nurse it back to health....
I will take a little for it to get used to new lighting.
What light do you have it under? How long have you had it? Did you feed it?


I feed my clowns which they feed it. under a 150W MH. this will be the 4th day that I have.. the first 3 where fine, it looked great and would eat but then moved to the back of the tank... its a 24 gallon biocube.
I would say wait until tomorrow because it may move tonight after the lights go out. I wouldn't be concerned with it now because it is still new to the light.
Even if you move it, it will just move itself again if its not happy.


Man, I thought my anemone was in an awkwerd spot. Mine wedged itself inbetween 2 rocks. Hope mine moves again