Anemone keeps falling


Active Member
I recently purchased a sebae anemone and I placed it on a rock but it keeps falling off. I know anemones move around, but mine is always falling off the rocks. Is this normal?


Active Member
Since anemones need a lot of lighting why do they always put their foot behind a rock where there isn't much light? I decided to let it go where it wants to go, but it always wants to go behind the rocks.


Active Member
My other anemones did the same thing in my other tank. I don't think it is the current because where I put the anemone there is hardly any current.


Active Member
how old is your tank? I've had a very difficult time with anenomes (keeping them alive) even with good water. I believe that it's because my tank is only about 4 1/2 months old. They seem to do ok for a couple of weeks, then just die.


In the big scheme of things, anenomes are realitvely hardy. If they are dying you are doing something wrong. Are they dying a slow death? Do they thrive for a week and then slowly get smaller and smaller and keep moving around? If so, they are missing something. You should use an Iodine additive to the water. Also, check your salinity. Specific gravity at 1.023 is good. Any lower and you'll have problems. ALso check water quality. Poor water quality will not be tolerated. Are you feeding your anenomes? They need food. A liquid food and a feeder tube will work. Good luck.


Active Member
Water quality is good. I've feed them regularly. In fact after I feed them, they really blossom and expand. They look great. I've also supplemented with iodine. I think I'll let the tank mature a little longer and try a bubble tip again. My clown is ok, but would prefer to be back in an anenome again.


Active Member
My tank is 5 months old but my anemone looks great. I've been feeding it brine shrimp. What else do you feed anemones? And my nitrates are a little bit high, at 40. Would this be a problem?