anemone killed my clown fish


New Member

I cant seem to get the pictures to load they tell me that they are to large...? any ideas
- My green carpet anemone killed my percula clown fish... :notsure:
After a day in my 12g nano cube the percula clown was eating and swimming just fine how ever the other also new percula clown had a swollen lips and a white spot on his top fin. he was dead this morning when I woke up - my other clown was in the grasp of the anemone this morning - I moved it but there were sting marks all over its body - I do not think it will be alive when I get home from school -
i am now questioning what is wrong with the tank - and why did my fish die...

If some one can tell me how to post pictures I will -


Active Member
a 12 gallon nano is way to small for a carpet anemone and not close to enough lighting. did you acclimate the fish, if yes how long? you can try to use photobucket. very easy. just upload the pics then press edit and then choose like 50% and then use the


sorry to hear about your loss....i second what feixjai said tho, to small a tank for carpet, and lighting is not the clowns were new additions? they had only been in the tank one day? just my guess, but sounds like the clowns got sick for some reason and that would explain why one ended up in your carpet. gives us more details...water parameters, fish behavior, etc.


New Member
after posting - I decided to read about green carpet anemones and they only host certain clown fish - and perculas are not fish that they host - It was a lesson learned!


To post an image, don't use the IMG tags, scroll down a bit and click on "Manage Attachents", then a second window will pop up. Click on "Browse" and find the picture on your computer, then click upload. When you are done (Maximum of 5 photos), click on "Close this window". Then, when you click "Submit Reply", they will show up. Using the IMG tags is only if the pictures are currently on a webserver somewhere.
Also, they can be no larger than 500x500.


it doesnt matter what it hosts that wouldnt just kill them instantly and yes carpets are one of the anemones that hold perculas also ritteris and siebi(spelling??) anemones.also like said the tank was just way to small to hold a carpet and the dx lighting is a quarter of enough lighting it need(one of the most light demanding anemones.but if you insist on keeping which you probably will keep up on feeding it with silversides and maybe you wont lose another fish.