anemone killed my clown ?


I am following up on a post that I had made a few days ago. My tank is 2 months old and I have two very small anemone's growing from my live rock . Approx 1/4 long brown in color. Last week I lost my 2 false clowns within 2 days apart that had been in my tank for 2 weeks. Is it possible that the anemone's could have stung these fish and killed them. I witnessed one dying and it seemed to happen within 5 minutes. Swimming fine then laying on the sand bed dying. Can someone possible identify these anemones without a picture and could they have done this?


check your water parameters...i would guess.....i dont think an anemone that small would have that big of an effect especially on a clown...although i could be wrong...


Active Member
i have several small glass anemones in my tank as well ( i think glass ) been there for several months same amount and same size so i havent messed with them. ive seen everything crawl over them ( snails, hermits, shrimp ) and my clown has poked at it several times. they are all fine. i think it may be more about your water conditions than the anemones themselves. also how did u acclimate your fish? could be acclimation shock. without knowing how you acclimated or parameters of your water its hard to say


New Member
Shoot that with a syringe full of vinegar or boiling water. Its most like aptasia. It kills everything it touches. Anemones are not likely to just grow out of your rock. Vendors would charge you for them. Aptasia matches the description you gave and does grow out of rock.