anemone lighting?


Active Member
I am getting a 75g for my dad on xmas, cause he hkes my tank alot so why not get him one....ok so i want to get him a anemone with some clowns but i am wondering if 220watt vho icecap would be enough for it, i cant put MH because he is retired and the extra money to run the MH would not make him happy


I did it in my 90 gallon with only 380 watts of VHO. You will have to have enough live rock for BTA's to climb up to the 2/3 portion of the tank. STill I felt that 380 was not enough.
An even better lighting suggestion would be the 440 watt VHO.
I would look for aquacultured Bubble Tip Anemone first as it would be the best chance for sucess. Forget the other types of anemones.
Also relize that you will/should need to let that tank mature for at least 6 months to a year before adding an anemone.


Active Member
i know that i wasnt going to add him until the tank had matured, and im going to add LS and LR with a refugim but is it enoght light


I have my anemone 2/3 of the way to the top of my tank with 4 65 watt compact fluoresence. I got a bleached sebae by accident and now it seems to be getting its tan color back.