anemone-living or dead


Just added a long tenalcled anemone along
with a gold maroon can you tell if an anemone is alive. It has color and
the clown is heavily involved with it but
it's only movements seem to be motivated by the clown and the water has not
attached to or burried into the sand.


I'm no expert on this, but I can tell you what I know. When they die, you will usually see a slime all over it, and sometimes they will appear to turn inside out. They tend to look REAL bad when they die. Also, it may take some time for it to find a place it likes in your tank, and don't be suprised if it moves around after that. You want to make SURE that it is dead before you get rid of it, I know of al least one I threw out before its time cause I thought it was dead. Believe me, if you take a dead one out, you'll know its dead. :)


when my condi died he shriveled up to about the size of a quarter and didnt open anymore. they dont move around like i think your expecting them to. when i would turn off my powerheads mine would baitly move at all.they move very slowly. as long as his tenticles are long and full he should be ok. yours sounds like hes doing fine.