Anemone moving around the tank!


I purchased an anemone from a friend couple weeks ago and it has been moving all over the tank since day 1. I wonder what's making the anemone to continue moving around the tank. A friend of mine told me that it would pick a spot and stay there but that has not happened so far. The tank has been set up for 8 months and the lighting is 2X150 HQI + 2X39 T5.
Any idea what I am doing wrong?


Active Member
Well , you surely have enough lighting so that`s not it . How is the flow in your tank ? Have any power heads ? Too little or too much will cause this as he is looking for a spot he is comfy with . What are your water parameters ?


Originally Posted by Dawman
Well , you surely have enough lighting so that`s not it . How is the flow in your tank ? Have any power heads ? Too little or too much will cause this as he is looking for a spot he is comfy with . What are your water parameters ?

The tank has been set up for a while and water parameters seem fine. The anemone has been in the tank for 2 weeks now. During the first few days it moved around the tank until it finally found a rock with a hole and it stayed there for a few days. My friend told me that as soon as the anemone found a spot I should start to feed it so it does not move anymore. I followed my friend's advice but then I stopped feeding it because I went away for almost a week. One day after returning from my trip I noticed that the Anemone started moving again. There is one small clown fish in the tank but he seems no to care too much for the anemone.
Calcium 400ppm
Salinity 1.022
Ammonia 0
Alkalinity 7dkh
Phosphate 0ppm
Nitrate 0.5


Active Member
Your gonna want to raise your salinity a little . How much flow do you have ? Any power heads in the tank ?


Active Member
Your friend unfortunately gave you some bad advice. There is no guarantee that they won't move, even after being established in one spot.
Be sure your powerhead intakes are covered.