Hmm, it sounds like they are still trying to figure out the best spot to call home, either that or one is seeking out the other, chasing him around. Atleast they aren't as close to each other anymore.
I am not sure what to tell you. I know you won't want to hear this but you will probably have to get rid of one in order for the other to have a healthy environment to thrive in. After all you want it to be healthy, happy, grow and possibly reproduce right? I see a lot of people that think everything is okay in their tanks if nothing is dying. I would rather have a perfect environment that things flourish in. Do you have any other spare tanks in the house?
I am not familiar with the lights you are running, what wattage are they? Once again I hate to say this but I think you will only get lasting results by running metal halides. You don't need much, even one 150 watt bulb over the section of the tank the anemone is in would do it. They are easy to build or cheap to purchase second hand. Trust me these lights are amazing when it comes to bringing a anemone to life and many would argue that they are a must have for any anemone.
If you do decided to get one or more lights and suspend them over the tank you should lower them slowly, start high, like 12" or so. Bring them down an inch a week. Once they are about 6-8 inches off the water you should be good to go. If you are lowering a single light over the anemone week by week and suddenly the anemone moves, don't follow it with the light, leave everything as is. It will know how much light it wants.
Feeding frozen brine shrimp is fine, I feed it to mine every now and then too, a variety is good. Right now I am feeding mine frozen silver sides, just small pieces. You don't want the food to be any bigger then the anemones mouth. I feed mine once a week, or even longer. It's easy to over feed them. If you ever see it puke up what it ate then note the size of the chunk of food and when the last time was that you fed it. You may have to decrease the size of the food or lengthen the feeding span.
Anemones get a great deal of their food requirements from light, that is why it is SO IMPORTANT to have strong lighting. They produce zooanthelle, basically it's algae living inside the anemone, which it uses for nutrients.
One final note. You have mentioned the person at the pet store and the advice they have given you a couple of times. Far be it from me to say when some one is wrong but you should use EXTREME cautiion when taking any advice from pet stores owners and employees. Always double check or go in informed.
These people are running a business and it is utterly impossible for them to know each individual animal they sell the way a person who specializes in specific animal or group would. The people on these forums base their HONEST information on experience and communications with other people who have enjoyed this hobby for many, many years. Pet store employees try, it's their job to convince you that they know what they are talking about. But when you think about it how can they possibly know unless they have a degree in animal medicine or they have read endless books, studied their own specimens and shared knowledge with fellow enthusiasts on every single animal in the building. They have way too many animals to cover to know them all inside out.
Hope this helps