Anemone options


I have a 55-gallon with a 50/50 fluorescent light, can i host any kind of anemone with that set up?
I heard bulb tip anemones would be my best bet, but i would need to supply supplements for it to thrive.


Active Member
IMO your lighting is not sufficient. You're going to want at least 4 individually reflected T5ho or two 175w halides for long-term success.


i have a 20,000K 250W MH over my 55g
my LTA has grown from smaller than my fist to about 10" in a few months


Active Member
as mentioned flourescents arent enough, but if the tank isnt that deep than you might be able to go PC. then again with the replacing of the bulbs 2 times per year you would be better off with the T5's