anemone placement


hey guys i am gonna be gettin a bubble tip anemone soon and i was just wondering where i should place it... or if i should jsut let it free float in my tank untill it finds a happy place..i dont think i should do this though, b/c it might sting some of my corals so waht do u guys think?? jstu find a place with some decent water flow and sick it in there or let it find its own home?


Active Member
Just set it some where on one fo your rocks, if it likes the spot where you put it, it will attatch itself. Dont just let it float in the water or it might get stufkc in your filter intake...


Find a nice spot anywhere you like and think it looks good, really doens't matter, he won't stay there. But anywhere on the rocks would be good, most likely he will head straight for the back of the tank anyway.
Okay I know this is weird but when I bought my Anemone it was "potted" yes potted in a small clay pot. The guy I bought it from told me it would keep it from moving all over the tank and so far it really has worked. Anyone else ever heard this??


Active Member
Pretty nifty idea for transportation from the pet store, did they carge you for the pot?? Lol. What kind of anemone is it? Looks good man.
Actually bought the BTA from a fellow reefer that didnt have room for it, he told me he had it in his refugium in the pot and it stayed there. I'd always had trouble with the anemones moving to the back of the tank so I thought I'd give it a try. Always thought the anemones looked like flowers anyway LOL! The clown is about two years old we bought him when he was a little bitty baby. He likes to eat he will come right up to the top of the tank to "catch" the food coming out of the turkey baster.