Anemone question..sorry..


Active Member
I know they are short lived but I cannot keep one over a week!!
My old tank averaged nitrates around 20ppm and they would last for around a year.My new tank is 0. All readings are great. I have 1-400w 20,000k MH and 4-48" actinics running.
I have purchaced 5 anemones in the last month and none of them live longer than a few days, a week tops!
I purchaced them all from diferent LFS's also.
I test: ph,nitrates,nitrites,sg,etc. everything but calcium and magnisium.
I add calcium,iodine,and essintual elements.
I feed with frozed brine and microvert and shrimp.
All my fish and shrooms(except my ricordias wich seem to be dying also) are doing fine?
What do I do?
Sorry for any spelling mistakes, ;)


Active Member
todays readings:
temp 75
sg 1.024 just added topoff water
nitrate 0
nitrite 0
ph 8.2
alk 200ppm estamated
I aclimate by setting them in the tank for around 30 minutes. Then add small amounts of tank water to the bags for around 30 minutes. Then get rid of most of the bag water before placing them into the tank. ( i do not want LFS's water in mine).
I try not to expose them to any air.
They look great the first day they thats it!


Active Member
tried a LT, a few pink tips, a brown tip and a white carpet.
Best that I can describe, lol


Active Member
No test for amonia.
If the aclimation was doing this? would they live and look good for a day then die?
Should I test for amonia before trying again?


Active Member
This could be the problem? I moved everything from a 100g to a new 200g that is now only a few months old.
Just trying to figure out why and what to test/look for?
I bought a flowerpot and it is doing great! I thought they were harder to keep?
I will give it a month or so but it will still be a gamble, not really knowing what the problem was or is?
I actually don't want them that bad but trying to fill a 200g on a tight budget at xmas is not easy, ;)


Active Member
dad I don't want to pick on you or flame you
But you really need to stop buying anemones until you understand them better. Anemones are made of mostly water so the quality of your water is the quality of your anemone. If your not even testing for ammonia thats just asking for problems. Also I found that using regular RO instead of RO/DI really improved the health of my anemones, of cours I have to be much more vigilant about water changes and making sure I have plenty of snails conchs and crabs to clean up any algae out breaks. Also stay away from carpets until you are much more experianced they are extremely hard to keep. If you absolutely have to have an anemone try to get one that was tank bred/propogated. I'm sure that there is a local reef club in your area and at least on of the members have a BTA that splits on occasion. You also don't mention what your feeding them or what kind of current you have. All anemones need to eat, and probably more than most owners feed them, and all anemones need fairly strong and random current, they count on it to cary waist away from there mouths. 75 degrees is to cold your temp needs to be in the 80-83degree range. Most aquarium anemones live shallow tidal pools where the temperature is warm. If I can recommend a book. Clownfishes and Sea Anemones: Everything About Purchase, Care, Nutrition, Maintenance, and Setting Up an Aquarium. It's a pretty decent book and only about 7 bucks on amazon. HTH's and good luck.


Active Member
Thanks again.
I have good water circulation. Going to raise the temp this weekend and try to find some test kits, ;)
Merry Xmas Everyone!!!



Originally posted by dad
I know they are short lived

Dad, I don't want this to sound like a flame but if you KNOW their short lived then why do you keep supporting the collecting and killing of them? No matter what you do and how good your water quality is chances are their going to die in a few months. You said "they would last for around a year do you really think this is responsible? I'm just trying to understand your logic here.


Active Member
I had a large LTA that lived for almost two years before.
Just trying to figure out what or why I cannot now?
Somewhat of a personal challenge now, lol
I want to be able to atleast keep them alive for awhile.
Also want to figure this out before buying more expensive corals etc.


75 DEGREES!!!!!!!!!!!!???????????!!!!!!!!!!...........EVEN I TRY NOT TO SWIM IN OCEAN WATER THATS LESS THAN 82+