Anemone Question


Hi all. I am getting all my info and research done before my tank is cycled. I am planning to get an anemone. I would like either a LTA or a BTA. Which do you think is the easiest? What do they need? Is it true that if you don't have enough light, you can place them high in the aquarium and they will make the most of the light? I have kept a LTA before bit it didn't live past 3 months. Any help and input would be great!


Active Member
Those both need VHO lighting.You should also wait until your tank is more mature. LTA's need to bury their foot in the sand.


What kind of lights do you have? I have read and am currently keeping the BTA that these anemones dont require MH but do need intense lighting, PC's or VHO's and at 3 - 4 watts per gallon.
I have read and I have been told by many that the BTA is the easiest of the two to keep. Requires a little less light and is a little more forgiving.


Originally Posted by PClown
What kind of lights do you have? I have read and am currently keeping the BTA that these anemones dont require MH but do need intense lighting, PC's or VHO's and at 3 - 4 watts per gallon.
I have read and I have been told by many that the BTA is the easiest of the two to keep. Requires a little less light and is a little more forgiving.
That is a relief. I can't afford MH lighting at the moment. I have about 3.6 watts per gallon PC 50/50. If this would be enough until I can get my hands on MH that would be great.
I have about 3 inches of crushed coral. I have read that the LTA need sand. Is that true or will the coral be ok? I might have to go with the BTA if they are more forgiving.
I purchased a Saddle Back black variation clown from my LFS. I purchase on that was being hosted by an anemone. I felt to sad taking it from the anemone. I just thought that that would be the the best way I would be sure the clown would go into another anemone. The anemone that the clown was in was a LTA. If I bought a BTA, would it be just a likely to go into the BTA?


I currently have a BTA in my 40G tank and I do not have MH lighting. I run 156 watts of the new T5 HO bulbs. I have two layers of rock in my tank and the BTA has planted its foot on the side of these rocks in a crevice between the two layers. I was hoping that it would go to my highest rock to be closer to my light, but my 2 Clarkii clowns would not leave him alone long enough to make the trip, lol.
I have had my BTA for almost 5 weeks now and it was the size of a golfball when I got it. I didn't know what it was at first . My Clarkiis sure knew what it was when they found it in the!


Originally Posted by moorea2
How long does the tank need to be established for before adding an anemone?
Good question. I would also like to know that.


you should wait about 6 months to a year before adding an anemone.
I have about 3 inches of crushed coral. I have read that the LTA need sand. Is that true or will the coral be ok? I might have to go with the BTA if they are more forgiving.
I suggest you remove the crushed coral, this may save you plenty of maintanence and headaches later.
True LTA's prefer the sand.
BTA's prefer the rocks. BTA's may be more forgiving but the crushed coral will not be.


6 months sounds much nicer then a year. I was aleady planning on waiting a few months after I cycled the tank before I added anything so six months it not that long, but a year... my patience might have worn thin.


This 6 months allows sand beds to mature, live rock also. It allows the system to stabilize and become balanced. This includes water chemistry, sand bed infauna, bacteria populations, algae populations and the whole system. You will be the expert on your system. If you think the time is right after 6 months then fine, if you are having trouble then you may wait longer until such time as thing become more stable. your choice.


Originally Posted by moorea2
6 months sounds much nicer then a year. I was aleady planning on waiting a few months after I cycled the tank before I added anything so six months it not that long, but a year... my patience might have worn thin.
Might sound beter but you would be best holding off for the year. Get the tank going get some experece then try the hard stuff.


I'm not planning on jumping into ANYTHING. If my tank is not ready I will wait. I do have a little experience (in doing it all wrong LOL) That is why I have broken everything down did a ton of research on better filtration ect. This time I plan on being patient, taking my time and doing it properly!


Originally Posted by Thomas712
I suggest you remove the crushed coral, this may save you plenty of maintanence and headaches later.
Do you have to have live sand? I have reached past my budget at the moment. I am assuming I can't add it later. And I am assuming you can't add sand to the coral. How much would live sand be to fill a 55 gallon? What is the problem with coral? Does it just get dirty?


Originally Posted by Eaglephot
Do you have to have live sand? I have reached past my budget at the moment. I am assuming I can't add it later. And I am assuming you can't add sand to the coral. How much would live sand be to fill a 55 gallon? What is the problem with coral? Does it just get dirty?
Lots of things you can do.
You can add more sand at any time, just be careful not to add more than a 1/2 inch per week, you don't want to burry your infauna alive.. Do not however mix it with crushed coral. The two just don't go together.
If you can find calcium carbonate dry play sand then you can save yourself alot of money, just pre cure it with tank water after a water change.
Read this as well.


New Member
I just got my first anemone a BTA three weeks age, of all the research I've done they are the hardiest and will be readly excepted by most all clown species in the aquarium trade. I have two Clarkis that went nuts when I put it into the tank and hardly gave it time to settle on to the rocks.
The two most important things are lighting and food, the right amount of light is required to keep the symbiotic zooxanthella algae alive in it's flesh and food to keep it from starving to death, you can not solely rely on the clown fish to keep it fed you have to give it additional feedings. I've found that small pieces of squid, silver sides, clams or mussels work ,the more diverse the menu the better.
Be sure to observe your anemone daily noting color and size, size is key and it will tell you how your anemone is doing, if it's constantly moving thats a sign that it's needs are not being met and that usually means a lighting issue.
By the way has anyone out there added an anemone to their tank and have it be the sudden cause of fighting between normally peaceful clown pairs?


BAH! OK. I did it. I just bought LS and put myself in debt for a little while.
But, it will save me money in the future.
Thanks for everyone's help! Thanks Thomas!