Anemone Question


Does my 2 Percula Clownfish really need an Anemone? I have a Condy Anemone but my Clownfish pays no attention at all to it.


Clownfish dont need anemones to survive no. The condys really dont play host to clownfish at all there not for clownfish.


They would like to have one but will certainly survive without as food is their primary interest in life. The Percula prefers the Carpet anemones which grow large-if they live long enough-and require high intensity light and water flow.
There are several posts on here of people with percs coaxing them into other anemones, usually the Bubble tip, but Condy's are just not any clowns first choice-or last for that matter!


I saw a maroon clown in a condy once at a fish store..but it is very rare.
If you have sufficient lighting, get rid of the condy and get a BTA (bubble tip anemone).


Active Member
My clowns would only host my featherdusters. You can tape a picture of 2 clowns hosting an anemone to the outside of the tank near the anemone and they might get the idea.


Active Member
Get a hairy/frilly mushroom my clown sleeps with his every night, just got a big toadstool and he seems to be considering hosting that also!