Anemone question...


I have a 30 gallon tank with 150 watt 20k metal halide pendent...The tank is just about done with the cycle. How long before I can get an anemone? What is an easy anemone to keep? I just hear that if they die, your whole tank can from its poision.


Active Member
You tank needs to be at least 6-8 months established before putting an anemone in . Anemone and easy don`t go together .I would do some reading and research about anemones while waiting for you tank to mature before you can add one .


Active Member
Your equipment can certainly support an anemone, but there are a few issues to content with, besides what dawman said, all of which I agree with.
The biggest thing is the size of anemones. Most get quite large, too large for a 30 gallon. I keep a BTA in my 55g, and it's WAYYYY to big for it (I'm working on a bigger tank). About the only two you would want to try in a 30 is a Hatian and a Condy, neither of which will host clowns, so if you are looking for that relationship, you won't get it.


It would be for a short period. By the time my tank is ready, I will be building my next home, and I will be putting a 150 gallon in the wall. So when that tank cycles I'll move it over to the big tank.


Active Member
my first anenome was a pink tip hatian i got in march and it bit the dust in a matter of days
now i have agbta and it was worrying me for the first couple of days and now it looks and acts completly normal and i also have a purple condylactic anenome and it is absolutely beautiful and very healthy, it is amazing what several months of letting your tank MATURE and the knowledge you can gain in that time and how it will benefit your livestock by being smart and PATIENT
(the only thing that happens fast in saltwater is faliure)