Anemone Question.


Active Member
i bought an anemone and when i was bringing it home i notice its tenticals were sticking to the sides of the bags every time it would move. is this normal? it looks bleached but my lfs said that how its supposed to be. and it has like a redish orange butt.


Active Member
Bleached anemone is an unhealthy anemone. Anemones ARE NOT stupposed to be bleached, your LFS to you that so you'd purchase the anemone. The tenticles sticking to the bag is normal, and a good sign. The tenticles should be somewhat sticky.
What type of anemone is it?
I hope you've researched prior to purchase and know how to care for your new tank inhabitant, and you have the proper environment for it.
Good luck and let us know if you have any questions.


Active Member
i dont know what kind it is. it looks very similar to a Florida Condi Anemone but the bottom part is redish orange. i know alot about anemones i was just wondering if the sticky thing and him being white was a problem.


Active Member
Its most likely a haitian anemone, which is a condylactis an Atlantic anemone. Having the red base and foot is common, typically a white anemone is not a healthy one. But the shade of white is important. If it is bleached it will be almost transparent or pure bleached white. Cream colored or light tan is not considered bleached, the shade of white is important.