Anemone Question


I got my first anemone yesterday. My tank has been established 6 months and I have two mated oscellaris clowns so I thought it would be great to get one. I got a green tipped bubble from my LFS and acclimated it with drip ( a fast drip though, thats what my LFS said to do) I shut down my power heads and put him in, where i would like him to sit. But he isn't taking hold, he stayed where I put him for a while then rolled to my sand bed. I kept my power heads off and figured in the morning he would have found a spot. This morning though he was upside down on my substrate
. I flipped him right side up and left him this morning with my power heads off. Am I doing something wrong? Is he just picky? Will he survive like this? How can I tell if he isn't healthy?


Active Member
sorry about the loss, but lets try to figure out what happened. how are your params? have you treated the tank lately? would ask about the lighting but I doubt it would kill it that fast


Originally Posted by Wildjosh
Well my anemone died

I'm not doubting you josh..... but are you sure the anemone died? Dead would be falling apart and VERY smelly. Deflated, however, would just be shrunken and pitful looking - but not dead.
Just mentioning that as only a day passed since you got it. I've never had a nem die within 24 hours.


Water Params are right on. Lights are not the issue I have T5's. Its white and dissintagrating, looks dead to me.


Active Member
post exact test results ph,alk,nitrites,nitrates,ammonia,cal also what make of t-5 fixture and the lamps inside


Originally Posted by IBEW41
post exact test results ph,alk,nitrites,nitrates,ammonia,cal also what make of t-5 fixture and the lamps inside
Unusual for a anemone to check out after only 24 hours.
Was it attached to anything at the local fish shop or was it just sitting there unattached?