anemone question



i got one of those inexpensive "pink tip's" it's a long tentacle species. not sure it's specific name but know it's a type that doesn't host clowns. i paid like 8 bucks for it. my question is that this thing wont plant its foot anywhere he just kinda floats around the bottom of the tank. he is sometimes upside down laying in the sand. it is fully opened most of the time even while upside down. ive feed it brine via a turkey baster a few times, have scooped it up with a plastic slotted spoon and set in on some LR. i've moved it to more flow and away for less flow. i even just recently dug a whole in the sand bed and placed him in there. he wont plant his foot???
water is optimal
lighting is sufficent ( T5's )
its a 95 bowfront
1 yellow tang
1 powder brown
1 sebae
1 tomato
1 mandarin
1 lawnmower blenny
2 urchins
1 purple tube worm
camel shrimp
emerald crab
snails & hermits
75 -80 lbs of LR


Condy's are like bubble tips, they prefer to set their foot in rockwork in just enough current to make their tentacles gently sway back and forth. You might have to shut your powerheads off for an hour and place the anemone near a hole or crevice in the rocks. Also they get 90% of their food from the lights so I wouldn't feed it for a week or so. Even after it plants it's foot I would only feed it once a week or every 10 days as it gets some food when you feed your tank. Just my .02


Originally Posted by InvertCrazy
Condy's are like bubble tips, they prefer to set their foot in rockwork in just enough current to make their tentacles gently sway back and forth. You might have to shut your powerheads off for an hour and place the anemone near a hole or crevice in the rocks. Also they get 90% of their food from the lights so I wouldn't feed it for a week or so. Even after it plants it's foot I would only feed it once a week or every 10 days as it gets some food when you feed your tank. Just my .02
thanks ill try that next...


Originally Posted by InvertCrazy
Condy's are like bubble tips, they prefer to set their foot in rockwork in just enough current to make their tentacles gently sway back and forth. You might have to shut your powerheads off for an hour and place the anemone near a hole or crevice in the rocks. Also they get 90% of their food from the lights so I wouldn't feed it for a week or so. Even after it plants it's foot I would only feed it once a week or every 10 days as it gets some food when you feed your tank. Just my .02
no luck as of yet. i shut the flow down and made a nice little cozy crevass for it with a few small pc's of LR. seemed to like it for a day then in the morning face down in the sand? he's not even sticky at all, is he dieing? he's still opening but i think he's slowly losing his size. think im just gonna let it be. if he is dying how long before it becomes dangerous for other tank mates? i heard dead anemones can be toxic.


Active Member
the only thing toxic about the average dying anemone is that the thing will disentegrate and make your water levels (ammonia) spike which can kill your tankmates. It is advisable to just take it out if you find it DEAD. dont do anything until its dead.
It may take time for him to plant his foot. Even if he plants his foot to the rock in the back of the tank, he will work his way to the front where he will be happy. I think lowering the flow is a good idea, but sometimes they just like to take thier time. Leave him be, if you mess with him it may kill him. He is stressed from the move most likely.
Good Luck