Anemone question


54 g reef
SG 0.022
Trites 0
trates 0
Am 0
PH 8.4
2 perculas
1 anemone ( the problem)
It looks terribly wrong. it hadn't attach itself to anything for a week and that white spot on it looks like something cut it.
Here it is: anyone? Help?:(


Active Member
Have you tried to feed it, will it take in food? I cant see the white spot clear enough to say anything. I have had a few that took awhile to finally settle. If it is still eating then it just may be looking for a suitable spot. SG you may want to slowly increase to .024-5. Is it still wondering?


Nope it didn't take any food for about 2 weeks . the white spot is a hole in its foot. right now its totally closed and does not show any signs of life. well i guess its just me that i can't keep them alive, I do have a lot better luck....( you won't believe this).....with a sea apple... But I am not going to give up on Anemones that easy... I am going to try again.Thank you all!!!! Alex.


Active Member
Is food at least sticking to the tenticles? If not, then it most likely its on its way out. As far as I know, if the foot has a hole in it then it most likely wont heal. Couple of suggestions, JMO though, before you add another. How did the LFS bag it for you, did they try to pry it off of the LR? They are more delicate than we realize and any trauma (prying, etc) is sure doom. Do you acclimate at least an hour? I was told at a LFS I didnt have to, but that made no sense to me, so I do anyways. Also, as said before, a slight/slow rise in SG may help--fish included. Was this your first anemone? If so, if it starts to get slimey get it out, test water and do a water change if neccesary. HTH some