Anemone Question


Hi All!
I'm wondering if I should be varying my anemone's diet at all. So far we are giving it just brine shrimp. It really like that but I hope that's good enough nutrition.
Also, would like to get thoughts on how often feedings should take place.
:speak: you should feed your anenomes every three days and yes you should varie the diet or give it a mixture food like formula 1 or 2


IMO: Variety is the key.
Brine shrimp is not a very good source of nutrition. I don't use any pre-mixed junck either.
I feed (7 anemone) about 3 times a week. Different sizes, so different amounts.
Raw shrimp chunks.
Raw scallop chunks.
Raw clam pieces.
Raw crab chunks.
Squid is also good if you can find it.
You can get most of these at the grocery store. (not pre-cooked)
I ended out buying Akaskan King Crab. $$$$
These critters can be expensive to feed; they eat better than me. :thinking:


I agree with the varied diet, I don't necessarily agree with the amount of feeding, like three times a week seems like alot of food for a critter that doesn't get fed that type of food in the wild that often. However:
It will depend on what type of anemone you have, but remember they are photosynthetic creatures, they need good strong lighting more than they need to be fed three times a week.
Just my opinion based on 5 BTA's and a rock/flower anemone in my tank.