Anemone questions


Was curious about a couple of things:
1. How long before an anemone will bleach under insufficient light?
2. How much time approx. do clowns spend in their host?


This is a guess, this is only a guess. If this had been factual answers half the members here would faint.
About a month to bleach give or take depending on just how bad the lighting scheme is and available food.
Clowns can spend between 60 and 85 % of there time in an anemone, they are never far away.


Thanks for the guess :)
The reason I ask is. I had seen several threads here regarding the survivability chances of a BTA under 130watts PC in a 30gallon tank.
I decided I will give it a try as I have always wanted one. 2 weeks in and everything is fine so far. The anemone moved a bit from where I first put it. And seems to have found a spot to its liking about 1/2 way up the tank. It ate the first time I fed it and has continued to. It is still a nice brown/green also.
The clowns took to it right away (2 true percs). But lately have been spending less time in the anemone. Although they still sleep there and "visit" during their strolls around the tank.