anemone questions


Hey. I'm hoping someone can help me with an anemone question.
I just bought a bubble-tip anemone a few days ago. I put it at a high point in my tank so it'd be close to the light. It doesn't like it up there and moves down underneath a rock. It almost looks like it's hiding down there. I moved the rock and changed the powerheads thinking maybe it was a flow issue, but it moved right back. It doesn't get nearly the light that I would think it should.
Furthermore, it flushes itself and closes up for several hours every day. From reading previous posts, it sounds like that may be abnormal.
I know anemones need strong lighting - so why is it hiding under the shadow of a rock? Will it get enough light there? Is it normal to close up like that?
I don't have MH, but I have a fairly small tank. A lot of people have told me that PCs are fine for my size tank. I have 96W Actinic PC and 96W white PC. Salinity is 1.025, temp 75 and all other levels are perfect.
I would appreciate any help anyone can give me. Thanks.


Sound like normal behavior for the BTA right now. Remember its not just acclimating to your water but also light acclimating. Once a couple of weeks go by he may do anything like, move up or down or anywhere in the tank. Just give him time.
I do have one that always hides at night, just simply gone. But when my 940 watts are blaring he jumps right up big and strong from behind a rock.
Good luck


mine was doing the same thing. Hid under a rock, I flipped the rock over and it went right back underneath. Shriveled up and green a lot of the time. Seemed to come out later in the evening. It finally came up and showed itself but still deflated. I just let it go. It just moved over to other side of tank. Now staying out more. I guess it just needs time to do its own thing. Good luck.