Anemone requirments


I thinking on keeping an anemone and I was wondering what are their requirments( lighting feeding compatabilaty) Also which will a false percula host? Oh and I heard that if one dies it will release a toxin that kills every thing in a tank is this true?

a. clarkii

New Member
First of all, what kind of anemone are we talking about here? We can range from your common Bubble Tip Anemone (BTA) to your Gigantea Carpet.
If you want to go with something that are less demanding with light and something easier to start with, go for a BTA. They will do fine with PC or VHO (at the minimum though) and are more forgiving than other sought after anemones.
Anemones also need decent water quality and either direct or indirect water flow depending on the species and once again strong lighting.
"Also which will a false percula host?"
It really depends on what kind of anemone you choose. When you say false percula you are referring to the Ocellaris species. There are 10 species of anemones that will naturally host clownfish in the wild.
1. Cryptodendrum Adhaesivum
2. Entacmaea Quadricolor
3. Heteractis Aurora
4. Heteractis Crispa
5. Heteractis Magnifica
6. Heteractis Malu
7. Macrodactyla Doreensis
8. Stichodactyla Gigantea
9. Stichodactyla Haddoni
10. Stichodactyla Mertensii
Only three of those clown hosting anemones will naturally be hosted by A. ocellaris.
1. Heteractis Magnifica
2. Stichodactyla Gigantea
3. Stichodactyla Mertensii
These three anemones are for more advanced clownfish and anemone keepers. But that doesn't mean your Ocellaris won't host other anemones. I have seen many Ocellaris host the different color morphs of BTAs.
"Oh and I heard that if one dies it will release a toxin that kills every thing in a tank is this true?"
Yes very much true. Depending on your tank size, skimmer, amount of liverock etc., it can crash a whole tank or wipe out many of the inhabitants.
Hope that helps
Good luck!!