Anemone Selection???


Active Member
Ok, I have a 20 g long reef tank, and I am ready to get my first anemone. I currently have: 2 ocellaris clowns, royal gramma, ffirefish, yelow watchman, and a neon body... I have frogspawn abubble and a torch, as well as some shrooms and zoo's.... my tank has the right parameters and specifications to fulfill the needs of an anemone...
My question is : Which anemone would my Ocellaris pair most be most likely to host? And what woudl do good in my 20 long reef? Pretty much, what species or anemone would be most appropriate for my tank?


Active Member
Lol, yes a neon goby....My bad on the spelling. Right now i am just running Pcs. @x65 W..I knwo its not living up to the recomended WPG for anemones, but keep in mind that the 20 long is a very short tank so my anemone would be close to the lights...? My parameters are usually always low, ammonia is always 0, same with nitrates. I'm thinking of upgrading to a 90 in June-July if at all possible, still only like 60% sure though...Then my anemone would definetly go int he transfer to the 90...What if i got a small sebea? Or a BTA? Something small...Of course i knwo sebeas get big and they will all grow, but i was thinking quite small until i Upgrade... Any yes'? Is there any way I can pull this off?