anemone shredded by koralia 4.. mess


my tank is an utter mess right now. about a week ago couldnt find my blue tip sebae anemone anywhere. i have a 180 with about 250 lbs of rock. thought maybe he was tucked somewhere in the back. kept looking and finally noticed something in the powerhead. well, there it was. at least a fraction of it. it was about the size of a tennis ball (originally) and the few pieces i found in tact were about the size of quarters. now, i have brown stringy bits everywhere. it looks like long strings of brown tangled's on the corals, on the rock, the glass, sand, etc. did a water change and set up two cannister filters. ammonia levels spiked to .75. lost a fish and the corals arent opening. got the ammonia down and removed most of what im assuming are the remains a few days ago only to have this stuff reappear once again. doing another water change tomorrow. any suggestions??? last anemone ill ever have. got no idea how it got to the top of the tank where the heads are.


keep up the water changes, pick out as much of the remains as you can and run a lot of carbon, good luck, keep us posted..


Active Member
Unfortunately this is a huge issue with powerheads and anemones. Any sort of powerhead MUST have a prefilter to prevent an anemone catastrophe.
Good luck with the tank. Continue to monitor Ammonia closely and get it to 0.0 asap.