Anemone split. Now what?


I have a BTA and this morning I thought it was dead because it was barely hanging off the back of a rock that Ive never seen it on. I later found that it had split and the other half was on its normal rock!
My question is, is there anything I need to do now? Also, the half that is barely hanging on does not look good. It looks very torn up and is a whitish color. I will try to get a picture, but it is hanging off the back of a rock in the back of the tank, so it would be impossible at this point.
Is this normal? any input would be appreciated!!!!! Thanks!


Active Member
I have one that has split twice now in my tank, and the original was a split from a friend's tank. They usually act droopy and exhausted for a few days, then start moving around until they find a happy place. Just leave it alone for now.