Anemone split!!


So, a couple of weeks ago my green BTA split.
I gotta be doing something right, right?
The two have been sitting side by side ever since; I figured one would move somewhere. I've already found a taker for one of them and since the rock they're on (at least right now) is a flat slab hopefully cracking it apart won't be difficult.
How long should it take for an anemone to heal up so we can move it out into another tank?? :thinking:



I'm not sure on how long it will take an anemone to heal, but I just want to say that is really cool. How long have you had that BTA for?


I got it from a fellow reefer in June. He said his original anemone has split 8 times in 1.5 years! So it seems to be an easy splitter! I hardly fed it any solid foods and will now feed even less, I think. The good thing is that usually one can find someone who wants an anemone! I'll be taking one of mine out this week for a fellow reefer.

Incidenatlly, neither anemone has moved off the rock, which is weird. They just keep sitting side by side. And the original anemone never moved off the rock she was originally on. I'm told that one can use ice (!) to get it to unstick its foot. Just apply ice to its foot and it'll release itself...I'm hoping it works since they're both on the same rock! :notsure:


Originally Posted by hot883
They usually split when they are stressed
thats doesnt really seem to make any since? :notsure: usualy things will procreate if they are in well enough condition to do it, maybe anenomes are different


This is the first time I've seen someone suggest that the anemone split because of stress. Everyone else I've been in contact with has congratulated me saying that the anemone would not split if it was unhappy.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dmitry
This is the first time I've seen someone suggest that the anemone split because of stress. Everyone else I've been in contact with has congratulated me saying that the anemone would not split if it was unhappy.

I may be wrong, correct me if I am, But I have heard on here and other places that they can/will split when stressed like ricordeas do!? Some do when being shipped!
Oh, congrats on the splits.


Thomas, our resident anemone expert, on a thread I read today, mentioned that some anemone of his rewarded him by splitting many times. Until further notice I'll feel like a happy daddy!


I miss that happy daddy feeling, now its ah man they split again. The only thing I would like to do is catch them in the act and be able to take pics of the whole thing. I've even been playing with the idea of getting rid of all of them and trying a new species.
Congratulations Dmitry, its a pretty cool feeling to see that the first time. I remember grabing my wife and telling her to look in the tank at what happend, I was so stunned and happy. Its that transition from newb to I finally did something right feeling.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dmitry
Thomas, our resident anemone expert, on a thread I read today, mentioned that some anemone of his rewarded him by splitting many times. Until further notice I'll feel like a happy daddy!

Then I stand corrected. I guess I might have read the wrong thing? Anything is possible; But Hey, I do admit when I am wrong. Thanks for correcting me (icon sticking foot in mouth) Ha! Barry


Originally Posted by hot883
I may be wrong, correct me if I am, But I have heard on here and other places that they can/will split when stressed like ricordeas do!? Some do when being shipped!
Oh, congrats on the splits.

I've heard it said that one can not make an anemone split, it will only do so when conditions are right for it. That is the hosting anmeones. I've never heard of one splitting in route to delivery. I could agree that anything is possible. Stress is a condition and I believe it could force a reaction to cause splittling.
Now mushrooms, aiptaisa and other little monsters like that can and will grow into new ones of themselves even if you stick them in a blender and pour them back into the water column.


What can I say its a coffee morning.


Active Member
I was so unhappy that my huge bta split =c( I got over it though.... then the part that split... split again. Now almost 3 weeks later I believe the largest piece is trying to split again. It's hard to tell, but i'll keep watching. Here is a pic of what was once a good sized anemone. Over a foot long when fully stretched out from one side of its tentacles to the other side.


Active Member
Speg, thats cool though how they look now.
It's a good day because I did learn that they split when conditions are favorable. Thanks to all that took part in my education process today. Ha!


Active Member
Originally Posted by hot883
Speg, thats cool though how they look now.
It's a good day because I did learn that they split when conditions are favorable. Thanks to all that took part in my education process today. Ha!

From all i've read the information all pointed towards these things only splitting when stressed. I really dont see how mine was under any stress though... but who knows, I dont speak anemone..........yet.
I honestly think the whole 'anemones split due to stress' thing is wrong... but thats just me.


Active Member
I honestly think the whole 'anemones split due to stress' thing is wrong... but thats just me.
Thats what I learned today. I thought stress, but now I know it's because they are happy!


Active Member
This is a quote from , Host Sea Anemone Secrets by Dr. Ron Shimek........
" ...sometimes even non-clonal anemonies will split in responce to injury or other odd stimuli. "


Active Member
Also Bob Fenner at *** states " Poor water quality, predation, overall "stress" factors " can cause them to split as well.
Of course its also a nomal helthy thing too. A normal reprodution method. Mine grew as big as a serving platter befor it split. I was glad it did so I could take half of it out. But dosnt take long for it to grow big again.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Dogstar
This is a quote from , Host Sea Anemone Secrets by Dr. Ron Shimek........
" ...sometimes even non-clonal anemonies will split in responce to injury or other odd stimuli. "
Things that make you go, "Hmmm".


One of mine finally moved! It's stuck itself between a rock and glass. It's been there for more than a day. It's still getting some light in there, so that's good. The other one is still on the rock. This is what they looked liked before one of them moved.


My BTA split last night!! woohooo...happy daddy
Hopefully I'll have pictures posted this weekend!
Dxtr -