anemone sucked into bottom of powerhead HELP??


New Member
This guy is a really big multicolored anemone and the powerhead seems to have sucked him up. I unplugged it. But this guy has tentacles all in the thing and he is all blown up and is not letting go. I am SCARED. This really sucks.


New Member
that happened to me once. After cutting off the powerhead, he managed to pull himself out, how long has it been since you turned it off?
you may want to give him a few minutes, now if he is wrapped around the spin thing.... ouch


Active Member
It should be fine, anemones are very resilient IMO as long as water quality is good. My bubble has been sucked into powerheads 3 different times. Each time most of the tentacles were chopped off and I thought it was a gonner each time. I've had him for 4 years now and it has split 3 times.
And while I don't recommend the following, a friend of mine had a rose bubble tip that decided to move overnight in between some expensive acros. He tried everything to get it move off the rock. Nothing worked, so he resorted to using scissors if you get what I mean. That finally got it to move, and it was not happy for a month or so, but it is still going strong...


this is why you put the prefilter cover on your powerheads and filter intakes.
you're lucky he didn't get totally chopped up and crash your entire tank. =/