Anemone sucks in at night?


Hello i have a Florida Condi Anemone and at night it sucks tiself up into a ball looking dead. When i turn the lights on in the morning he'll move a little then by 5 pm he'll come out like brand new. what do i need to do? Is this normal? he's about 1 week in my tank with a move inbetween that time.


Does it do something like this?
Sorry can't post a pic again, but my BTA's sometimes do what you are talking about. So far I have not seen why, nor do I see anything to worry about.
However please check a couple of things out.
1. A pH change, see if your pH radically changes at night time vs. day.
2. Make sure there isn't a drastic change in temp.
3. If any other corals nearby, make sure they are not aggressive.
I believe it may be simply protecting itself from some type of irritation, or it just likes to do it. I'm not really sure why it happens. My BTA's are very well established and in a stable enviroment, but still they do this thing.