anemone survive in a dsb?

i was wondering if an anemone can survive in a dsb? also the only lighting if have is the fluroscent bulb that came with my tank top is this sufficent lighting or will i have to get a better bulb?

polite psycho

New Member
Kept a Caribbean sand anemone in a ten gallon tank, Bio wheel mini filter, no chiller or skimmer, same fluorescent lamp that came with the tank, along with three Percula clowns, a small bristle worm, several hermits, and a small mantis shrimp. This setup has run for two years now. Other than silt collecting in the bottom, tank is running fine.


what kind of anemone do you want to keep? Condylactus sp. anemones from the caribbean/atlantic are more forgiving than the anemones associated with hosting clowns. If you wish to keep a clown hosting anemone, you will need to upgrade your lighting, have pristine water quality, and your tank should be setup for perhpas 9 months or more preferably. Even then, the chance of the anemone surviving longer than a year is rather slim, and surviving longer than 2 or more years is MUCH more slim. In any case, the hardiest clown-hosting anemone is probably the bubbletip.


Active Member
Man...I love watching people's reactions at the idea of getting an anemone...
All anemone's do need good lighting - some more than others. Do some serious research about the different varieties of anemones, and what they are compatible with, care info, etc...
Lighting, however, is NOT the end all of anemone's. While important, feeding meaty foods is important too. Just do some research...
As for living in a DSB, unless you are talking about burying the thing in the sand, a DSB will only help your tank filtration and the anemone as well. Check on your lighting, and just make sure you have some rock, etc...for the thing to grab on to. You also want some current blowing around usually.
Water conditions must also be excellent.
i will uprade my bulb and i will have live rock for it to chill on and i have good water quality as well. my only other question is will crabs or a cow fish bother or hurt the anemone? i will also wait a little while longer to let my tank be running for a longer period of time.


MAN i sure wish i was as perfect as some of you guys replying to this.
IchiroMariners, to answer your question and not sound so condecending. The DSB will not harm the anemone. However your lighting will not provide the optimal conditions for an anemone. An anemone is not a simple animal to keep. You need great tank conditions and even then they sometimes do not survive. I would suggest doing some reasearch on them, read as much as you possibly can. You may very well have to upgrade your lighting, thats almost a given and the lighting is quite expensive.
The fish that are compatible with anemone's. Well understand that anemone's EAT fish. Thats what they do. I have seen may a pretty fish sticking out of a nice big fat anemone. Carpet anemone's will sometimes even eat the clownfish that take up the anemone as a playground.
I hope this answers your question and pay no mind to the not-so-productive posts. Hope this helps
i already have some dwarf hermits but if theres a chance the aneome will eat my other fish no way am i getting one. i was just gonna get one for my two clownfish to play in but not anymore.