Anemone Tentacles



Hello Eveyone, my bubble tip anemone is been really heathly ever since i post my last post that i gotten it but now that i realsed that one of my fish (coral beauty angelfish, who was fighting so hard to stay alive but i took him back to the fish store to see if he was okay and they even agree that that they had an ick outbreak in that aquarium where i gotten the fish) that i gotten from my fish store had ick the tentacles on the anemone are getting smaller and disappear (falling off i believe, i don't know i don't see them floating at all!) and my two nemo's are in love with it and i do know that clownfish love to "suck,Bite" the tentacles... But anyway's like i have said i had the bubble tip for a while now! and hes sticky, he's eating and he shiffless up but i was told they do that because they are "relassing waste" but now to my question now.... Will the tentacles grow back??? and yes i have the ick being treated right now! :) and i won't add fish ever 10 day's after i have this stuff undercontroll and n/a of the clownfish have the spots on them and my other fishy :) but poor lil coral beauty.... such a pretty pretty fishy okay anyway's can anyone answer my question now....
here it is again "well the tentacles grow back?" and "What do you think its from ick or stress from the clownfish suckin/biting?"
thanks eveyone for u help and information for giving me :)
( Ill add a picture if needed but i don't think u can see it because the clown fish block my view eveytime i look (they love my face) hahah)


I can't get a picture of it (a good one) but best way i could describe the tenticles they are like a big min bubble