Anemone Under A Rock??


I have 2 questions to ask. First I have a maroon clownfish with white stripes and I would like to put a maroon in with golden stripes... will they get along? should the one Im going to get be smaller or bigger then the one I have in there already? I have a bubble tip that came yesterday from that is completely under my rock work like it is hidding... Is this normal? Should I move him out in the open? Will he sting me?


BTA's move around alot so make sure he can't get sucked into your filters!! no leave him there he is fine. they tend to like to hind under rocks and grow in cracks in rocks on the reef. once he finds a happy spot he will sit there for good until he decideds to move somewhere else for some reason. you won't feel any sting from him unless you have dry hands or cuts on your hands.