Anemone w/ Clown


Well, I've never had an anemone but, I am looking for an anemone for my clown t host, but I was thinking, along with the proper lighting, does an anemone still need to be fed if it has a clown hosting it? I've heard that a clown fish that hosts and anemone will actually bring food to it.


IMO i would not mess with feeding them, when you feed your tank they are likly to get a bit'O food
saing that i must add that you need the proper lighting to not feed, i dont feed my BTA but i have 4RBTA ATM and my clowns host every one of them but if you look they dont feed it perpusly they will take the largest chunk they can find and spit it into the anemone and pick pieces off and alot of the times they get it all eaten before the anemone gets it sucked in but they do get food from the fish that are hosting, my purculas do not take food back to its anemone it just eats small pices and thats it