anemone won't eat


Active Member
I have always given my BTA some food but the past month it will not take anything I give it. Nothing has changed as far as the tank itself. All readings etc are all the same. Only thing different is that the second Anemone has been on the prowl and is now back at its original place.
I just tried to feed it again tonight and it will not take anything. Krill, silversides chopped up I am wondering if the clownfish is giving it plenty of food It certainly is not shrinking in size so I guess all must be fine.
Any suggestions??


Active Member
Originally Posted by Debbie
I have always given my BTA some food but the past month it will not take anything I give it. Nothing has changed as far as the tank itself. All readings etc are all the same. Only thing different is that the second Anemone has been on the prowl and is now back at its original place.
I just tried to feed it again tonight and it will not take anything. Krill, silversides chopped up I am wondering if the clownfish is giving it plenty of food It certainly is not shrinking in size so I guess all must be fine.
Any suggestions??

do you run carbon? If not I would suggest to do so, with multiple anemones its recomended as you cant detect chemical warfare and it can start at any time.


Active Member
Its possible your clown is keeping it satisfied. Just keep and eye on it and make sure you see no signs of distress. Anemones under the proper conditions can go quite along time with out being spot fed.


Active Member
I hold the firm belief that most aquarists overfeed their anemones anyway. Strong lighting should provide virtually all of the food your anemone needs. My BTA only gets an occasional part of food that floats into it, or a scrap the Clowns feed it.
All is well.
Multiple anemones could be the issue with unexplained behavior, however.