anemone yet??


ok as you guys probly know i am in a fish group. fchs fish is the entire groups account. but, latly ever scence we took a field trip to the closest lfs, they saw a clown fish feed the anemone and they want to get one right after x-mass brake along with the clownfish... but i am trying to convence them not to get one yet, just get two clowns and pair them and maby some other fish. then get the anemone later but i dont know what to do.. also should i get one of those brine shrimp breeders and breed them so i dont always have to feed them, so they can get there own food is that a good idea


Well what size tank would the clownfish and anemone be going into?
Would it be a reef tank?
What would the substrate be?
Did you have any idea what type of clownfish or anemone you/they would be looking for?
Clowns don't always feed anemones, many of us do that ourselves.
Lighting is very important to have in place before an anemone.
Tank should be about 6 months old and stable before trying to place one in the tank.
Clownfish also do not need an anemone to survive, and visa versa.


yes he clowns would problaby be eather the tamato clown or the false percs. the teacher wants a rbta and it probly going to be a reef tank because i am trying to get some corals off of here but havent been able to get the 70 dallers to get free shiping yet>_< i dont know about the substrate if you could clea that out then i could tell you about that