

i just got a long tentical anemone and he look really good when i got him , but after one day it looks like it is not doing too good.
Have a 55 gal tank
55 pounds of live rock
yellow tang, angel fish, horseshoe crab, 2 clown fish, and 3 blue and yellow damsels
salt level is 1.022-1.023
ph is around 8.2-8.4
all other test are normal
have around 150watts aqualight compact with whit and blue bulbs
here is a picture...anyone know what could be wrong


maybe feeding it might help. get some market shrimp and give it a small piece. the piece should be about the size of the tip of your finger.:jumping:


I tried too feed it shrimp and it just shrunk up more like the picture. And the food just fell off and swept away...Tried three or four times...
But ...turned off light for 30 min and turned back on and it got much better...however, still little shrunk up!!!
any explaination???


I will try all i got is my phone cam..... It looks like he is all shrivled up!!! sorry cant spell


is the anenome attached to a live rock ? if not i would place it on one. they like a crevice to place the foot.


He looks like he has been stung on one side or perhaps some other type of predator attack.
Any other corals that might be in the tank with nemotocycts?
Is there any visible tear on that side of the anemone?


You're lighting is on the low side for long term success. What kind of clowns? Have they hosted yet? If they have, are they nipping or being a little rough to the anemone? Any corals? What kind of angel fish?
is the anenome attached to a live rock ? if not i would place it on one. they like a crevice to place the foot.
Not all anemones attach to rocks. There are many anemones that like substrate.


I tried to put it on rock and it just blew off.....But in the morning it looked alright....However it is hidden kinda under and behind my rock...If i need more light why would it like to be under a rock?
My clown can not get to enough of the anemone to host...Would it hurt to move the anemone to another spot or will it just go right back to where it is?